Digg Pet Resort Policies

  1. A Pet Exec.net profile must be set up for each owner and pet and kept up to date

  2. Our digital agreements must be signed prior to services rendered. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR OUR MOST UP TO DATE REGISTRATION AND RELEASE FORMS.

  3. We must have a local emergency contact on file (besides yourself). We reccomend someone that isn’t likely to be travelinig with you.

  4. Vaccines must be up to date for all dogs (Rabies, Bordetella, and Distemper-Parvo) Puppies must have two rounds of DHPP and Bordetella. We highly recommend annual vaccination for H3N2 Virus (Canine Flu). These must be uploaded into your pet exec account.

  5. We accept dogs starting at 12 weeks and older, but they must have had rabies and meet other vaccine requirements. We reccomend waiting until your pet is 16 weeks or older.

  6. If you choose for your pup to have lunch, please provide food in a Ziploc bag (no containers). We also provide food for $4 a meal at request.

  7. All dogs must be on a leash entering and exiting Digg Pet Resort

  8. Please do not bring your own bowls, personal bags, or bedding


  10. We conduct a temperament test for all new day care guests. We want to ensure the safety of our guests and confirm that Digg Pet Resort is a good fit for your dog’s personality and needs. On the first day of care, please allow 15 to 20 minutes for the check-in process to allow us to review how your dog interacts with our staff and other guests.

REquired vaccinations to play and Stay

  1. Rabies - required once every year (or 3 years depending on which vaccine your vet administers).

  2. DHLPP - required once every year (or 3 years depending on which vaccine your vet administers).

  3. Bordetella (aka Canine Cough) - required once every 6 months.

  4. Puppies must have two rounds of DHPP and Bordetella and Rabies.

  5. We highly recommend annual vaccination for H3N2 Virus (Canine Flu).